Casado sin más Capítulo 2866

Casado sin más Capítulo 2866

Chapter 2866 Jake Comes After Larry

With a forceful shove, Jake sent the receptionist sprawling to the corner. Blood trickled down the ends of his lips.

Larry, let’s see how you’re going to talk your way out of this! Jake rolled up his sleeve and made his way up the building.

Eventually, he came to Larry’s office and let himself in. “Oh, I see that Mr. Norton is as busy as usual. How dedicated!”

Wary of his presence, Della was rather alert and rose defensively from the sofa. She ran to him and maintained a stern glare, a cold glint flashing in her eyes. He must have come with ill intentions!

Damn b*tch! How long has it been? I see you’re still sickeningly loyal to Larry, huh! Jake glanced at her with a look of pure disdain.

“What are you doing here?” Larry asked him directly without even looking up to greet his visitor.

Are you playing dumb? You’ve arranged for two groups of people to sabotage my villa, taking Joan away in the process. My, you’ve really gone to great lengths with that plan of yours! Jake looked around, his gaze flashing menacingly as he rubbed his hands together.

“You seem pretty busy, Mr. Norton. I wonder, how do you plan to compensate for the injuries you have incurred on my housemaid?” Jake hinted at him in a cynical tone.

Hmm? Is he trying to trick me into confession? Larry lifted his head to look at the man standing not too far away from him, a mischievous glint flashing in his eyes.

Well then, I have all the time in the world. How about a little mind game?

“Pardon me, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Firstly, I don’t know where your villa is. Secondly, I certainly didn’t send anyone to beat up your housemaid,” Larry answered flatly.

I doubt Joan would’ve arrived at Jake’s villa by now. So, if my deductions are correct, Jake shouldn’t have known that I’ve gone to fetch Joan, which means all that stuff he said just now was nothing but a test. Larry eyed him scornfully, then proceeded to type away on the keyboard.

What a shameless man! He’s obviously the one behind it, but he refuses to admit what he’s done! Larry, you certainly know no shame!

“I didn’t think the great Mr. Norton is one to shirk responsibility. No wonder your ex-wife has been reluctant to remarry you,” Jake remarked, beating about the bush.

A single sentence was enough to ruffle Larry’s feathers. If Jake had not come into their lives, there would not have been as many conflicts and issues between Joan and himself! When it came to malice, Larry could barely compare with this bast*rd standing in front of him!

Della had a bad feeling as she witnessed the two men face off each other, but she was not sure how to mediate the situation. She did not want a fight to break out between the two men.

“Hey, look at that. It’s getting late. Why don’t we continue the discussion tomorrow? It’s no use getting riled up over it, right?”

“Shut it!”

The two men shouted at her simultaneously.

Della had had enough. Flustered, she secretly swiped to unlock her phone and sent a message to Caspian. No matter what happened, she would always side with Larry, because she refused to see her loved one get hurt.

“Larry!” Caspian arrived swiftly after receiving Della’s message.

“Ho? Such loyal mate, to have come to your aid so swiftly,” Jake commented from his position on the couch. He shot Della a dirty look.

Da*n you, woman! You’re getting good at calling for reinforcements, aren’t you?

“If you have nothing else to tell me, I suggest you leave,” Larry said as he pointed towards the door.

What a joke! We aren’t finished here, bast*rd. And I’m not leaving until we’re done! Jake rose and slowly made his way towards Larry. His b*dy language reeked of intimidation.

“Larry, you have some explaining to do. Tell me, where is Joan now?” the man shouted at him, his voice tinged with anger.

Larry turned around and looked out the window. Deep down, he was quite delighted because everything was going according to his plan. He stroked his chin and actually grinned in satisfaction.

“Aren’t you getting married soon? What’s this? You can’t keep tabs on your bride-to-be, so you are taking it out on other people, is that it?” Larry put it bluntly on purpose because he wanted this bast*rd to know what humiliation felt like!

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
—¿Disculpe, señorita? ¿Quiere casarse conmigo? —¡Señor, ni siquiera nos conocemos! ¿No cree que está siendo demasiado precipitado e impulsivo?
"Casado sin más" es una novela escrita por April Bessie que relata la historia de dos personas, Emma y Daniel, que se encuentran en una encrucijada en sus vidas amorosas. La trama se desarrolla en un pequeño pueblo donde ambos personajes se conocen y entablan una conexión especial. La protagonista, Emma, es una mujer independiente y exitosa en su carrera profesional. Aunque ha tenido relaciones pasadas, ha llegado a un punto en su vida en el que se siente lista para establecer una relación más seria. Por otro lado, Daniel es un hombre trabajador y dedicado a su familia. A pesar de haber tenido experiencias sentimentales complicadas en el pasado, siente que es el momento de darle una oportunidad al amor. El destino parece conspirar a favor de Emma y Daniel, ya que se encuentran en una situación inesperada: ambos están invitados a la misma boda. A medida que comparten el evento, descubren que tienen muchas cosas en común, incluyendo intereses, valores y metas en la vida.

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

A lo largo de la novela, los personajes principales enfrentan desafíos y conflictos internos. Emma se debate entre su deseo de establecer una relación duradera y su miedo al compromiso, mientras que Daniel lucha por superar las heridas emocionales de su pasado y abrirse completamente al amor. La autora, April Bessie, utiliza una prosa fluida y evocadora para transportar al lector a la cotidianidad de este pequeño pueblo. Sus descripciones detalladas y su habilidad para desarrollar personajes complejos permiten una inmersión total en la historia. A medida que la relación entre Emma y Daniel avanza, la novela explora temas universales como el amor, la confianza y la superación personal. Los personajes secundarios, como amigos y familiares, aportan profundidad a la trama al brindar apoyo y consejo a los protagonistas en momentos clave de la historia. A medida que se acerca el clímax de la novela, Emma y Daniel enfrentan una serie de desafíos que ponen a prueba su relación. Sus pasados y sus inseguridades salen a la luz, lo que los obliga a confrontar sus miedos y tomar decisiones difíciles. El desenlace de la novela es emotivo y satisfactorio. Sin embargo, no todo es perfecto y los personajes deben aprender a aceptar las imperfecciones y los desafíos que la vida les presenta. En resumen, "Casado sin más" de April Bessie es una cautivadora novela que explora el amor, la confianza y la superación personal a través de los personajes de Emma y Daniel. La trama está ambientada en un encantador pueblo donde los lectores pueden sentirse inmersos en la historia. La prosa detallada y evocadora de la autora junto con la complejidad de los personajes hacen de esta novela una experiencia de lectura enriquecedora. La historia culmina de manera emotiva, pero realista, lo que brinda un final satisfactorio para los personajes y para el lector.


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