Casado sin más Capítulo 254

Casado sin más Capítulo 254

Suddenly, Sarah dashed over to her, looking ecstatic. “Vivian, your husband is too cool! He’s awesome!”


Vivian wondered what Finnick did which had Sarah so bowled over.

Sarah was still hyped as she exclaimed, “Come look at this interview cl*p of Finnick. It’s all over the internet!” She went on to flash Vivian a big thumbs up.

Pulling out her cellphone, Vivian realized that she had eleven missed calls; three from Fabian and eight from Finnick.

She did not need to hear from Finnick to know why he was anxious to reach her. Vivian felt very touched. Still, she did not know how to face him as she felt guilty for putting him through so much trouble.

The video featured an interview that was specifically filmed to address the rumors that revolved around Vivian. The scene was quite rowdy and chaotic.

Vivian saw microphones pressed up against Finnick while Noah desperately tried to hold the reporters back and maintain order. The members of the press were in hot pursuit of Finnick’s response to her news.

Finnick was in the eye of the storm as he sat as still as a statue in his wheelchair. Though he was silent, he projected a powerful presence as he looked unwaveringly into the camera.

One of the reporters was finally able to break through the perimeters of the human barricade and get close enough to direct a question his way. “Mr. Norton, tell us your thoughts!”

Finnick turned slightly and fixated his gaze on that reporter.

The jerky camera work captured his piercing gaze.

Vivian could tell that Finnick was fuming with rage.

Although he did not raise his voice and his expression did not change, that look in his eyes was sufficient to shush the riotous crowd.

Amidst the stillness of silence, Finnick started to speak.

“I know Vivian William better than anyone else.”

His words were simple but weighty. That concise statement had those present holding their breath.

Even Vivian and the others, who were watching the interview on the screen, felt the gravity of his words.

He kept the faith and stood with Vivian even if the entire world turned its back on her.

Vivian felt tears well up in her eyes.

What had she done to deserve this?

All the anger and sorrow she had to endure throughout the day evaporated when she heard what he said.

At that moment, Vivian felt invigorated. With Finnick by her side, she felt like she would be able to weather any storm.

A huge burden had been lifted from her chest, and her heart was filled with warmth.

After a round of finger-pointing, the magazine company called it a day. Vivian briefly sorted out her stuff before she left the office.

She did not want to be subjected to unfair and baseless criticism, but as some things were difficult to explain in short order, she decided to let it go.

My conscience is clear. I have nothing to prove.

When she stepped out of the building, she spotted Finnick’s black Bentley parked by the intersection.

He had come to pick her up.

Was he here because he was concerned that I might be recognized on the subway?

Shackled by a bundle of mixed emotions, Vivian stood rooted to the spot. She was undecided on how to face Finnick.

Right then, he lowered the car window and asked in a deep voice, “You’re not getting in?”

Instantly, Vivian came running to meet his smile with hers before she got in beside him.

Finnick started the moment she hit the cushioned seat. “I’m sorry about what happened at the press conference earlier. I didn’t think through the whole process thoroughly before making the announcement about you.”

Vivian quickly shook her head. “It’s okay since I’m already used to it, but I feel bad for dragging you and the Finnor Group down. I was worried that you would be upset with me and not want anything to do with me anymore.”

“I am upset,” Finnick stated.

That led Vivian to look at him tentatively.

“I’m upset that I wasn’t able to protect you from all this.”


She shrugged in relief. “You shouldn’t blame yourself.”

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
—¿Disculpe, señorita? ¿Quiere casarse conmigo? —¡Señor, ni siquiera nos conocemos! ¿No cree que está siendo demasiado precipitado e impulsivo?
"Casado sin más" es una novela escrita por April Bessie que relata la historia de dos personas, Emma y Daniel, que se encuentran en una encrucijada en sus vidas amorosas. La trama se desarrolla en un pequeño pueblo donde ambos personajes se conocen y entablan una conexión especial. La protagonista, Emma, es una mujer independiente y exitosa en su carrera profesional. Aunque ha tenido relaciones pasadas, ha llegado a un punto en su vida en el que se siente lista para establecer una relación más seria. Por otro lado, Daniel es un hombre trabajador y dedicado a su familia. A pesar de haber tenido experiencias sentimentales complicadas en el pasado, siente que es el momento de darle una oportunidad al amor. El destino parece conspirar a favor de Emma y Daniel, ya que se encuentran en una situación inesperada: ambos están invitados a la misma boda. A medida que comparten el evento, descubren que tienen muchas cosas en común, incluyendo intereses, valores y metas en la vida.

Leer Casado sin más Novela en línea por April Bessie

A lo largo de la novela, los personajes principales enfrentan desafíos y conflictos internos. Emma se debate entre su deseo de establecer una relación duradera y su miedo al compromiso, mientras que Daniel lucha por superar las heridas emocionales de su pasado y abrirse completamente al amor. La autora, April Bessie, utiliza una prosa fluida y evocadora para transportar al lector a la cotidianidad de este pequeño pueblo. Sus descripciones detalladas y su habilidad para desarrollar personajes complejos permiten una inmersión total en la historia. A medida que la relación entre Emma y Daniel avanza, la novela explora temas universales como el amor, la confianza y la superación personal. Los personajes secundarios, como amigos y familiares, aportan profundidad a la trama al brindar apoyo y consejo a los protagonistas en momentos clave de la historia. A medida que se acerca el clímax de la novela, Emma y Daniel enfrentan una serie de desafíos que ponen a prueba su relación. Sus pasados y sus inseguridades salen a la luz, lo que los obliga a confrontar sus miedos y tomar decisiones difíciles. El desenlace de la novela es emotivo y satisfactorio. Sin embargo, no todo es perfecto y los personajes deben aprender a aceptar las imperfecciones y los desafíos que la vida les presenta. En resumen, "Casado sin más" de April Bessie es una cautivadora novela que explora el amor, la confianza y la superación personal a través de los personajes de Emma y Daniel. La trama está ambientada en un encantador pueblo donde los lectores pueden sentirse inmersos en la historia. La prosa detallada y evocadora de la autora junto con la complejidad de los personajes hacen de esta novela una experiencia de lectura enriquecedora. La historia culmina de manera emotiva, pero realista, lo que brinda un final satisfactorio para los personajes y para el lector.


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